Thursday, May 13, 2010

Houses of Paliament

Throughout my career, I created thousands of paintings. Several of them were in series. I would paint the same thing at different times of day and during different weather to give new effects to each painting. Here is my ten-painting Houses of Parliament series, that I created during my stay in London between 1900-1904. Depicted is the Palace of Westminster, home of the British Parliament. however, the light, weather and atmosphere of each painting is more the subject, than the actual building. Even though it is the same building, from the same view, each painting is very unique.

This is the first painting of the series, created 1901-1902. It is gray and hazy, and the sky and water are barely distinguishable, but you can clearly see the building.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism
This one is the building on a cloudy night during sunset, in 1902. The sun is barely visible behind the clouds, but the colors in the sky are fairly bright, which are then reflected onto the water.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism
This painting was done in the fog in 1903. It really shows off the effect of fog, with the boats and building very visible. The sky and water are indistinguishable from each other (except for the boaters in the water, of course).

monet,house of parliament,impressionism
This painting is also during sunset(1903), but it is very different from the early sunset one. It is not cloudy, and has very orange and blue tones. A small boat is also visible.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism
This depicts the sun breaking through the fog, painted in 1904. This painting is very different from both the fog paintings and the sunset ones. It is very dark, except for the brightly colored sun, which gives off a very warming essence.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism
This painting was done during a storm in 1904.It has hazy, washed-away look, and the sun is behind clouds. The water is a lot wavier than in the other paintings, and the building is painted with diagonal strokes rather than vertical ones. This all give the impression of a rain.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism

This is the darkest painting of the series. It was done on a night in 1904. Everything is given a very dark, but not gloomy appearance using black, dark blue and green.The moonlight is reflected on the water.

This painting has a very warm and golden appearance. I am not sure, what time of day this was painted in 1904, so I'll leave that up to the viewer to interpret.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism

The sun is peeking through the clouds, in this painting of 1904. Because of the clouds, it is very hazy and the water and sky are once again, indistinguishable. Even with the characteristics being similar to other paintings of this series, it is still very unique.

monet,house of parliament,impressionism

This painting, the last of the series, is at relatively the same time of day as the previous painting, but because there are no clouds, it gives off a very different appearance, and is a lot clearer.

Each of these is completely unique, despite the fact that they are of exactly the same building. This truly shows how light and weather can effect a picture. Now that you have seen all ten paintings, what's your impression?


  1. Despite the subject being identical to each other, these 10 paintings are each unique in both texture and emotion. From a dying sunset to the first rays of morning sun, this series truly highlights the beauty of light. Each one gives me a different impression, and they have all inspired me to translate these paintings into music. We are both brothers of the Impressionist period, and I share your mindset in creativity.

  2. I think that it is incredible that you can create 10 different paintings about the same thing from the same view. They all give off a different tone which is a credit to your skills. If I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be the one where the sun is breaking free of the clouds. I like this one because it reminds me of my revolutionary movements where my people helped to break free from the British.

  3. The difference in tones throughout each image is simply astounding. It's quite entertaining how you've managed to capture the emotions that the weather itself evokes in one's mind. It shows your experiences with the different climates and what memories they brought to mind when you painted them. It would be interesting to observe what reactions different people have to these works.
